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Abstract #3536

Treatment Length Effects of Methadone Maintenance on Brain fMRI Response to Cue-elicited Craving in Former Heroin Addicts

Hanyue Wang 1,2 , Yarong Wang 1 , Qiang Li 3 , Dongsheng Zhang 3 , Lina Wang 3 , Jia Zhu 3 , Wei Li 3 , Chongjun Zhang 4 , Jiajie Chen 3 , and Wei Wang 3

1 Radiology, Tangdu Hospital, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xian, Shan Xi, China, 2 Clinic, Air Force Equipment Academy, Beijing, Beijing, China, 3 Radiology, Tangdu Hospital, the Fourth Military Medical University, Shan Xi, China, 4 Clinic, Air Force Equipment Academy, Beijing, China

We used functional magnetic resonance imaging(MMT) to investigate the neural basis of the length effects of long-term methadone maintenance treatment on brain response to heroin-related cues in former heroin-dependent individuals. Fifteen patients (duration of MMT 1 year, group A) , fifteen matched patients (duration of MMT 2-3 years, group B) and 17 healthy controls were included. The self-reported heroin craving score demonstrated no significant difference between Group A and B. Compared with Group B, Group A demonstrated greater activation in caudate when exposed to drug-related cue. Long-term MMT may improve the brain craving response by regulating the impaired function of caudate.

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