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Abstract #3504

Cortical layers one by one: the visual cortex in advanced qMRI

Ana-Maria Oros-Peusquens 1 , Johannes Lindemeyer 1 , and N. Jon Shah 1

1 Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-4), Research Centre Juelich, Juelich, Germany

We report on a multiparametric, high-resolution study of the visual cortex at 9.4T, including T1, q-space diffusion, HARDI, phase and T2* contrast and T1-T2 correlated relaxometry. The boundary between areas V1 and V2 is easily defined in most contrasts. Most interesting resuts include: featureless slow diffusion, higher amplitude of slow compared to fast diffusion in the internal lamina of the cortex and in white matter, layer-dependent mean displacement and probability of zero-displacement, visibility of at least 6 distinct layered regions in T1 maps, clear definition of V1/V2 border in M0, layer visible in phase contrast which corresponds to fibre sheet of different orientation than generally radial one in the visual cortex.

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