Abstract #3501
SNR improvement of MP2RAGE from slice encoding acceleration.
Wanyong Shin 1 , Taehoon Shin 2 , Sehong Oh 1 , and Mark J Lowe 1
Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic
Foundatoin, Cleveland, Ohio, United States,
Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University of Maryland,
Baltimore, MD, United States
While MP2RAGE has shown the potential to generate B1
insensitive T1 contrast over brain tissue at high
fields, the long scan time (> 8 mins) is undesirable
practically. However, the long TR (> 6s) is essential to
provide the large dynamic range of apparent T1
relaxation for dual MP2RAGE acquisitions. We propose
z-direcitonal accelated MP2RAGE, which provides the
increased flip angle with the similar dynamic recovery
as z-directionally non-accelearted MP2RAGE. Simulation
was conducted to optimize MP2RAGE paramenters and a
healthy subject was scanned with the optimized
parameters at 7T. The improved SNR and CNR with
z-direcitonal accelated MP2RAGE acclerate scan time
under 5 mins with isotropic 1mm3 voxel size.
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