Abstract #3437
Different genetic mutations are associated with different abnormal patterns of language white matter pathways in young children with global developmental delay
JEONG-WON JEONG 1 , Senthil Sundaram 1 , Diane C. Chugani 1 , and Harry T. Chugani 1
Pediatrics and Neurology, Wayne State
University, Detroit, Michigan, United States
Global developmental delay (GD) refers to an
etiologically heterogeneous set of neurodevelopmental
disorders mediated in part by multiple genetic
mutations. The present study investigates whether a
"maximum a posteriori probability (MAP)" classifier, a
diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) tractography method,
can be used to detect unique patterns in axonal language
pathways, which may be correlated to different types of
genetic mutations observed in children with GD.
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