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Abstract #3383

Uncertainty Volume Analysis - A Measure for Protocol Performance

Cristoffer Cordes 1 and Matthias Gnther 1,2

1 Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany, 2 MR-Imaging and Spectroscopy, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany

In order to extract the information density of images acquired with a given protocol, data was parameter mapped (T1, T2, M0) using an objective function based on a simulated signal model, minimized with a variation of the simulated annealing algorithm. Calculating the uncertainty volumes based on an uncertainty condition of the objective function reveals a contrast that is able to rank the performance of the utilized sequences by eliminating the sequence of least preferable impact in a greedy fashion. It also reveals the voxel-wise shape of the remaining flaws. The algorithm was tested on a series of TSE acquisitions.

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