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Abstract #3315

Removal of Background Fields with Spatially Variable Kernel Radii Guided by the Frequency-Offset-Gradient (FOG) Magnitude

PINAR SENAY ZBAY 1,2 , Cristina Rossi 1 , Klaas Paul Prssmann 2 , and Daniel Nanz 1

1 Department of Radiology, University Hospital Zrich, Zrich, Switzerland, 2 Institute of Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zrich, Zrich, Switzerland

The calculation of quantitative susceptibility maps, QSM, requires removal of non-local fields, e.g., via a convolution of a phase map with a Laplacian-kernel, multiplication with an eroded-binary-tissue-mask, and deconvolution. While erosion of the tissue-mask improves QSM image quality, valuable information is lost. The goal of this study was to regionally vary the size of the Laplacian convolution kernel based on the magnitude of the Frequency-Offset-Gradient-(FOG), which tends to be higher in regions close to the cavities, where air-tissue-susceptibility-artifacts are severe. Susceptibility-maps calculated with the variable-kernel approach revealed less-artifact, and gave more realistic information around the brain-tissue close to the cavities.

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