Abstract #3300
PDE Solution of Electrical Properties Tomography With Multi-channel B1 Transmission
Jiaen Liu 1 , Yicun Wang 1 , Xiaotong Zhang 1 , Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele 2 , and Bin He 1,3
Biomedical Engineering, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States,
for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States,
for Engineering in Medicine, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Electrical properties tomography (EPT) is recently
introduced for imaging the electrical properties of
tissue using MRI. The EPT equation can be transformed
into a partial different equation (PDE) and solved using
numerical PDE solutions. The advantage of the PDE-based
approach is improved EP result near the boundary and
enhanced robustness against noise contamination. A
multi-channel transceiver RF coil was utilized to
provide multiple transmit B1 field for solving the PDE.
The method does not require assumption of equal transmit
and receive RF phase, and eliminates the need of
pre-assigned boundary condition by using multiple
excitations, beneficial for in vivo applications.
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