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Abstract #3286

Simultaneous Quantitative Imaging method for Neuroimaging

Sung-Min Gho 1 , Jaewook Shin 1 , Min-Oh Kim 1 , Dongyeob Han 1 , and Dong-Hyun Kim 1

1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Sinchon-dong, Seoul, Korea

MR imaging can provide various quantitative information regarding the electro-magnetic properties and relaxation properties of tissue. The electric and magnetic properties are linked through Maxwell's equations and the magnetic susceptibility is one major source of the R2* and R2'. These quantitative information can be used independently, however, studies which use several related quantitative information together can be useful since mis-registration, different physiological noise and lengthened scan time can be alleviated due to separate measurements. In this abstract, we propose a new method for obtaining these quantitative applications simultaneously. Therefore, quantitative conductivity map, QSM, R2*, and R2' maps.

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