Abstract #3215
Local SAR Estimation for Parallel RF Transmit at 7T Using Directional Couplers
Matthew Restivo 1 , C.A.T van den Berg 1 , Alexander Raaijmakers 1 , Peter Luijten 1 , and Hans Hoogduin 1
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht,
Parallel RF Transmit (pTx) in high field MRI is limited
by the difficulty in correctly estimating the local
specific absorption rate (SAR) given the complicated
interferences of the electric field distributions
produced by the various elements. Directional couplers
allow for current to be measured easily on the
transmission line, but parallel matching circuitry
transforms the phase and amplitude of the current before
entering the element. We propose a method for converting
directional coupler values to tx element current values,
thus allowing for the correct scaling and linear
combination of simulated fields. This is necessary in
order to accurately predict local SAR without overly
complex simulations.
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