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Abstract #3211

Expected Homogeneity Gain and Hardware Requirements for Slice-Wise 3 rd Order Dynamic Shim Updating for fMRI

Ariane Fillmer 1 and Anke Henning 2

1 Institute for Biomedical Engineering, UZH and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2 Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany

EPI allows for very fast acquisition, and is the work horse of conventional fMRI. To exploit the full advantage of applying ultra-high fields to fMRI, sophisticated B 0 shim strategies are required. An auspicious approach for improving B 0 homogeneity is DSU. As eddy-currents arise from fast switching of shim currents a careful pre-emphasis calibration is necessary. The application of pre-emphasis requires the limitation of the shim fields, which limits the homogeneity gain expected from DSU. This work compares the expected homogeneity gain from a global and a slice-wise DSU shim approach and investigates the hardware requirements for optimal slice-wise dynamic shimming.

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