Abstract #3161
In-vivo 31 P chemical shift imaging sensitivity improvement utilizing high dielectric pads
Rita Schmidt 1 , Wyger Brink 1 , and Andrew Webb 1
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
31P spectroscopy and imaging benefit greatly from
ultrahigh field MRI. However, voxel sizes are typically
still quite large and the low phosphorus metabolite
concentrations require long acquisition times. In
previous work it has been demonstrated that the image
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can be improved by using
high dielectric pads. This work has mainly focused on in
vivo 1H imaging at 3 T and 7 T. Here, we show the first
in vivo results of 31P CSI with improved SNR with a
dielectric pad with an intermediate relative
permittivity of ~300 (BaTiO3).
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