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Abstract #3158

T 1 - and TR-Independent B 1 + Mapping by Bloch-Siegert Shift for 7T Human Cardiac 31 P-MRS

William T Clarke 1 , Matthew D Robson 1 , and Christopher T Rodgers 1

1 OCMR, RDM Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Human Cardiac 31 P-MRS at 7T suffers from low peak B 1 , making B 1 insensitive adiabatic or composite pulses impossible. Accurate B 1 values are required to correct partially saturated metabolite amplitudes and ratios. Long T 1 s and 3D-CSI acquisition makes magnitude B 1 mapping approaches infeasible. Bloch-Siegert shift B 1 mapping is insensitive to metabolite T 1 s and sequence TR. In this work Bloch-Siegert mapping is validated against gold standards in phantoms and against a previously published dual TR method in skeletal muscle. The feasibility of the approach for cardiac 31 P-MRS is demonstrated in a single subject.

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