Abstract #3138
Harmonic excitation of MR signal for interventional MRI
Dmitri Artemov 1 and Yoshinori Kato 1,2
Radiology, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States,
Life Science Tokyo Advanced Research Center, Hoshi
University, Tokyo, Shinagawa-ku, Japan
MR-detectable devices are important for interventional
procedures, and should provide a clear imaging signature
while not degrading diagnostic imaging quality. A new MR-detectable
probe design is presented, based on excitation of MR
signals by high-frequency RF harmonics generated by the
probe with a non-linear element. The implantable probe
was designed to excite MR signals when driven by an
external RF filed at half-resonance frequency. A second
harmonic at the resonance frequency was generated by a
non-linear diode element. MR signals in the subject were
excited only in close proximity to the probe and could
be detected by a standard receiver coil.
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