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Abstract #3128

Lung-cardiac specific 1 H RF array coil at 1.5 T

Madhwesha Rao 1 , Fraser Robb 1,2 , and Jim Wild 1

1 University of Sheffield, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 2 GE Healthcare, Aurora, Ohio, United States

1 H MRI is emerging as a viable modality for lung parenchyma imaging. However, 1 H lung-MR methods have inherently low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the parenchyma due to the lower 1 H density (<0.2g/cc) and short T 2 * . Thus there are obvious gains to be made through anatomically customized radio-frequency (RF) receiver coil designs. In this work we propose a receiver RF coil array topology designed for high SNR imaging of the lung-cardiac anatomy at 1.5T and illustrate the 1 H SNR improvement over a conventional 8 channel ladder-like topology used routinely for cardio-thoracic MRI.

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