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Abstract #3122

Comparison of 16-channel Stripline and 10-channel Fractionated Dipole Transceive Arrays for Body Imaging at 7T

M. Arcan Erturk 1 , Alexander J. E. Raaijmakers 2 , Gregor Adriany 1 , Jinfeng Tian 1 , Pierre-Francois van de Moortele 1 , Cornelis A. T. van den Berg 2 , Dennis W. J. Klomp 2 , J. Thomas Vaughan 1 , Kamil Ugurbil 1 , and Gregory J Metzger 1

1 Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, 2 Imaging Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

MRI of the body/prostate at 7T is challenging due to electromagnetic-field effects. Using a multi-channel transmitter coil is necessary to focus the B1-fields at the target region to improve efficiency. There are several 7T multi-channel external surface-arrays, however a direct experimental comparison between these does not exist. Here, we compare the transmit/receive performance of 16-channel stripline (16SA) and 10-channel dipole-antenna (10DA) arrays on prostates of several subjects. Results show that, 16SA performs better in smaller subjects and targets closer to surface; and 10DA is more favorable in larger subjects, deeper targets and if a more uniform excitation profile is desired.

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