Abstract #3067
Automatic Selection of Arterial Input Function Using K-mean Cluster Algorithm
Tian-Yu Su 1 , Sheng-Min Huang 1 , Cheng-He Li 1 , Kung-Chu Ho 2 , and Fu-Nien Wang 1
Biomedical Engineering and Environmental
Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu,
Medicine, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
D2O perfusion has been first realized on rat model
through 1H signal. However, a standard AIF of D2O has
not been directly determined from MR image to date. In
this study, k-means cluster analysis was employed as an
automatic algorithm for determining the AIF of D2O on
mice. The AIF curves we found present characteristics
including curve shape similarity, high in peak, narrow
width and regular shape, which implies that k-means
provide a reliable AIF estimations. In summary, D2O AIF
curves were successfully extracted from mouse brain
images in this study through automatic algorithm.
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