Abstract #2984
An Efficient Motion Correction Method for Improved ADC Estimates in the Abdomen
Hossein Ragheb 1 , Neil A. Thacker 1 , Jean-Marie Guyader 2 , Stefan Klein 2 , and Alan Jackson 3
Centre for Imaging Sciences, Faculty of
Medical and Human Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom,
Imaging Group Rotterdam, Departments of Medical
Informatics and Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam,
Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre, Faculty of Medical and
Human Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester,
United Kingdom
We develop an effective motion correction method leading
to determination of accurate ADC, suitable for use in
patient management and drug trials. We demonstrate
improvements in ADC estimates which also maintain the
biological structures essential for analysis of tissue
heterogeneity. our local-rigid alignment (LRA) is
compared with previously published non-rigid alignment
(NRA). Performance of these methods is evaluated using
metrics computed from regional ADC histograms. While NRA
has the advantages of being applicable on the whole
volume and is fully automatic, LRA is much faster and
provides advantages with regard to data smoothness by
avoiding interpolation and sub-sampling.
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