Abstract #2973
ASAP: Automatic Software for ASL Processing
Virginia Mato Abad 1 , Pablo Garca-Polo 2,3 , Owen ODaly 4 , Juan Antonio Hernndez-Tamames 1 , and Fernando Zelaya 4
LAIMBIO, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos,
Mstoles, Madrid, Spain,
Center, MGH, M+Visin Advanced Fellowship, Charlestown,
Massachusetts, United States,
for Biomedical Technology (CTB-UPM), Madrid, Spain,
for Neuroimaging Sciences, Institute of Psychiatry,
King's College London, London, United Kingdom
In this work, we describe an Automatic Software for ASL
Processing (ASAP) that can automatically process several
ASL datasets, from their raw image format to a spatially
normalised, smoothed (if desired) version and includes
options like quantification, skull-stripping,
co-registration and partial volume correction. ASAP
requires minimal user intervention, minimising the
possibility of random and systematic errors, and
produces perfusion data that is ready for statistical
group analysis.
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