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Abstract #2946

Analysis of Local Spatial Magnetization Frequency Sheds New Light on Diffusion MRI

Hans Knutsson 1,2 , Magnus Herbertsson 3 , and Carl-Fredrik Westin 1,4

1 Biomedical Engineering, Linkpings Universitet, Linkping, G, Sweden, 2 CMIV, Linkoping University, Linkping, G, Sweden, 3 Mathematics, Linkpings Universitet, Linkping, G, Sweden, 4 Radiology, Brigham and Women's, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States

A thorough understanding the process of restricted diffusion in the presence of a magnetic field gradient is required for a correct interpretation of the measurements attained by any given diffusion MR scan. A number of results exist indicating to that the commonly used concept of q-space holds an oversimplification of the process. We present a novel local frequency analysis of the process showing that this is indeed the case and discuss some important consequences. We show that the basis functions that correspond to present clinical diffusion sequences are in fact very far from the Fourier basis predicted by the short pulse approximation and, to complicate things further, it is clear that the basis created will be dependent on the geometry of the individual compartments present in one voxel.

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