Abstract #2852
A non-rigid fiber registration method for tractography level DTI analysis
YISHAN LUO 1 , LIN SHI 2,3 , WINNIE CW CHU 1 , VINCENT CT MOK 2 , and Defeng Wang 1,4
Dept of Imaging and Interventional
Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
Yuk Ho Technology Centre for Innovative Medicine, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
of Biomedical Engineering and Shun Hing Institute of
Advanced Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
In this paper, we propose a feature-based tractography
image registration method, targeting at achieving good
tract alignment for tract-level DTI analysis across
subjects. Although some DTI registration methods can
well match tensor images, most of them fail to achieve
good tract alignment. Our method first uses an
atlas-based WM paracellation method to establish
bundle-to-bundle correspondence. Then with three
features designed for each fiber, fiber-to-fiber
correspondence is set up for tractogrpahy image
registration. Experimental results validated that our
registration can greatly outperform DTI registration in
terms of tract alignment, which demonstrates that our
method can help realize more accurate tract-level
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