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Abstract #2797

Reduced Blurring in Diffusion-Weighted EPI using a Dual-Shot, Reverse-Gradient Sequence with Asymmetric k-space Splicing and Inherent Distortion Correction

Wei Liu 1 , Kun Zhou 1 , and David A. Porter 2

1 Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd., Shenzhen, Select, China, 2 Fraunhofer MEVIS, Institute for Medical Image Computing, Bremen, Germany

In the case of DWI, a common way to reconstruct the partially sampled dataset is to zero fill the missing k-space samples. However, this decreases the image resolution and results in significant blurring in the phase-encoding direction. In this study, we introduce a dual-shot DW-EPI sequence, which achieves full k-space sampling by combining two partially sampled data sets, acquired with opposite phase-encoding gradient polarities. The resulting images have reduced image blurring compared to the standard zero-filled case. In addition, the method of image combination inherently incorporates a standard technique for correcting geometric distortion using the reverse-gradient approach.

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