Abstract #2728
Inter-study reproducibility of interleaved spiral phase velocity mapping of renal artery blood flow velocity
Jennifer Keegan 1 , Hitesh Patel 1 , Robin Simpson 2 , Raad Mohiaddin 1,3 , and David Firmin 1,3
Royal Brompton Hospital, London, United
of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany,
College, London, United Kingdom
Renal resistive index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI)
are reliable measures of downstream renal resistance
which correlate with the severity of renal disease. To
date, breath-hold MR phase velocity mapping studies have
lacked the temporal resolution required to accurately
determine these pulsatility parameters. We have
developed a high temporal resolution (19 ms) breath-hold
spiral phase velocity mapping technique for the
assessment of the temporal flow patterns in the renal
arteries and show high inter-observer and inter-study
reproducibility. We conclude that high temporal
resolution spiral phase velocity mapping allows
reproducible assessment of renal pulsatility indices.
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