Abstract #2720
Computational fluid dynamics simulations guided by Fourier velocity encoded MRI
Vinicius Rispoli 1 , Jon-Fredrik Nielsen 2 , Krishna Nayak 3 , and Joao Luiz Carvalho 1
University of Brasilia, Brasilia, DF,
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States,
of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Fourier velocity encoding (FVE) is a promising MRI
method for assessment of cardiovascular blood flow. FVE
provides considerably higher SNR than phase contrast
(PC) imaging, is robust to partial-volume effects, and
can be rapidly acquired using spiral readouts. On the
other hand, FVE data do not directly provide velocity
maps. CFD driven by PC velocity maps has been previously
demonstrated. This work introduces a method for using
FVE data (rather than PC data) to guide CFD simulations.
We show that FVE-driven CFD achieves better agreement
with a PC-measured velocity map than pure CFD solutions.
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