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Abstract #2553

Comparing 1.5T vs. 7T phase contrast MRI for measuring brain tissue pulsation

Nils Noorman 1 , Fredy Visser 1,2 , Peter R. Luijten 1 , and Jaco J.M. Zwanenburg 1

1 Department of Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2 Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands

Cardiac-driven volumetric strain pulsations in the brain are small, but relevant for normal physiology and disease. These strain rates can be obtained from phase contrast MRI with low encoding gradients, but the corresponding long TEs reduce the SNR. This work determines the optimal TE for phase contrast MRI with very low encoding velocities (< 1 cm/s) and the potential gain in SNR at 7T (with shorter T2*) compared to 1.5T, in 6 subjects. Despite signal attenuation due to shorter T2* at 7T, we obtained a 5-fold increase in SNR between 1.5T and 7T.

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