Abstract #2550
The Necessity of Coil Sensitivity and Gradient Non-Linearity Distortion Corrections in Prospective Motion Correction
Uten Yarach 1 , Daniel Stucht 1 , Frank Godenschweger 1 , and Oliver Speck 1
Department of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance,
Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt,
Patient motion during an MRI of the brain can result in
non-diagnostic image quality. Even with perfect
prospective motion tracking and correction, the varying
coil sensitivity and gradient non-linearity can cause
significant artifacts that cannot be corrected
prospectively. Recently, a model-based MR image
reconstruction via iterative solver was employed to
minimize the sensitivity misalignment due to coil or
physiological movement. In this study, we extended the
mentioned model by gradient warp correction to
reconstruct the prospective Mo-Co MR data. The result
shows the improvement that is free from both artifacts
after a few iterations of the proposed technique.
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