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Abstract #2510

Metal artifact correction using sensitivity information

Dongchan Kim 1 , JaeJin Cho 1 , Kinam Kwon 1 , and HyunWook Park 1

1 Electrical engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Yuseong-Gu, Korea

MRI is one of the most powerful imaging modalities for clinical diagnosis. However, the use of MRI is limited for the patients who have metallic implants, because metallic implants causes severe field inhomogeneity, which causes the geometrical distortion in image and the slice profile. To resolve these problems, slice encoding for metal artifact correction (SEMAC) technique was proposed. But SEMAC is not practical technique due to the long imaging time. In this work, we propose a sensitivity information based metal artifact correction (MAC) technique to reduce the imaging time for multi-contrast and time-series imaging.

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