Abstract #2505
Reduced FOV Imaging Near Metal Using 2D Multispectral Imaging and Very Selective Outer Volume Suppression
Valentina Taviani 1 , Daniel Litwiller 2 , Kevin M. Koch 3 , and Brian A. Hargreaves 1
Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States,
Healthcare, Rochester, MN, United States,
and Radiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee,
WI, United States
Outer Volume Suppression (OVS) using high-bandwidth
quadratic-phase RF pulses was used for reduced-FOV 2D
Multispectral Imaging (MSI) near metal. OVS gradient
reversal and a modified acquisition strategy were used
to minimise unintentional saturation of off-resonance
near metal. The technique was demonstrated in a phantom
consisting of a metal implant embedded in agar. Clinical
applications of the proposed method for spine imaging
and MR-guided FUS (Focused Ultrasound Surgery) planning
were presented. The ability to reduce the encoded FOV
translated in shorter echo train lengths, i.e. reduced
blurring, at the expense of slightly reduced SNR.
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