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Abstract #2497

Radiological and quantitative assessment of Compressed Sensing reconstruction of undersampled 3D brain images

Ian Marshall 1 , Gabriel Rilling 1 , Yuehui Tao 2 , Chaoran Du 1 , Samarth Varma 1 , Dominic Job 1 , Andrew Farrall 1 , and Mike Davies 1

1 University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2 University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Compressed Sensing (CS) has been shown to provide significant speed up of MRI with sufficient accuracy when judged by 'image error' against known ground truths. To be clinically useful, the images must also be of diagnostic quality and acceptable to radiologists. Very few reports have considered this crucial issue. In this study of 3D brain scanning, we found that radiologists rated 4-times and 6-times undersampled data reconstructed by CS higher than conventional least squares reconstruction. However, subtle artefacts made interpretation of deep brain structures difficult and caused significant differences in measurement of brain tissue volumes.

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