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Abstract #2489

A low-cost flexible non-linear parallelized MR image reconstruction system

Fei Han 1 , Ziwu Zhou 1 , Kyunghyun Sung 1 , J Paul Finn 1 , and Peng Hu 1

1 Radiology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Despite tremendous recent advances in non-linear image reconstruction methods, their clinical utility has been significantly held back by the limited computational power and development flexibility provided by the MRI system manufacturer. We developed a MR image reconstruction framework in which any custom made algorithms can be implemented on custom built computer nodes connected to the MR scanner such that k-space data is sent to the nodes for calculation and reconstructed images are sent back to the scanner system as part of the default pipeline. In this work, we demonstrate the benefit of this framework on 12 pediatric congenital heart disease patients who underwent cardiac MRI using a highly accelerated 4D cardiac phase-resolved contrast-enhanced MRA sequence.

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