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Abstract #2450

Proton-constrained CMRO 2 Quantification with direct 17 O-MRI at 3 Tesla

Dmitry Kurzhunov 1 , Robert Borowiak 1,2 , Philipp Wagner 1 , Marco Reisert 1 , and Michael Bock 1

1 Department of Radiology Medical Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany, 2 German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany

In this work iterative proton-constrained reconstruction of 17 O MR data set using an anisotropic non-homogeneous diffusion operator is proposed. It was tested on a 17 O brain phantom and on a data set obtained from a dynamic 17 O MRI experiment. 17 O images show a higher SNR and superior quality compared to Kaiser-Bessel re-gridding method. Localized CMRO 2 quantification with 1 H constrained in a human frontal lobe and in a brain phantom show most precise CMRO 2 values in GM and WM. For GM it is in good agreement with literature 15 O-PET data.

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