Abstract #2437
Anisotropic Field-of-View Support for Golden Angle Radial Imaging
Ziyue Wu 1 and Krishna S. Nayak 1
University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
Radial sampling techniques are often used in dynamic MRI
because they are robust to flow and motion, support
short echo times, and have a diffuse aliasing pattern.
One drawback is that standard implementations do not
support anisotropic field-of-view (FOV). Larson et al.
has provided a simple and intuitive scheme for
supporting anisotropic FOV in static radial imaging. In
this work,We extend that approach and demonstrate a
simple solution to enable 2D anisotropic FOV with GA
radial imaging, which can significantly reduce imaging
times in many scenarios (abdomen, spine, etc.) where the
object dimensions are anisotropic, while still allowing
arbitrary temporal window reconstruction.
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