Abstract #2407
Hadamard and Sensitivity Encoding (H-SENSE) for Simultaneous Multi-Slice MR Imaging
Jong-Min Kim 1 , Junyong Park 2 , Chulhyun Lee 2 , and Chang-Hyun Oh 1
Electronic and information engineering,
Korea University, Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul, Korea,
MRI Team, Korea Basic Science Institute,
Chungchungbuk-Do, Korea
A new two-step approach to simultaneously acquire
multi-slice MR images (SMI) is proposed. Simultaneously
excited slices are simultaneously encoded by using
Hadamard matrix (HE)1 and parallel encoding method such
as SENSE2. As previously reported, HE and SENSE for SMI
is useful in many applications3, 4. However these method
has low temporal resolution and/or high g-factors. The
proposed Hadamard and Sensitivity encoding (H-SENSE) for
SMI seems to be useful to overcome these limitations by
optimally choosing slice combinations for SENSE coding.
Furthermore, an optimal Hadamard coding combination for
better SNR with g-factor reduction.
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