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Abstract #2341

In Vitro and In Vivo Measurement of Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling Efficiency

Adam Michael Bush 1 , Gregory Lee 2 , Matt Borzage 1 , Vincent Schmithorst 2 , Scott Holland 2 , and John Wood 1

1 Children's Hospital Los Angeles USC, Los Angeles, California, United States, 2 Pediatric Neuroimaging Research Consortium, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

To quantitatively assess PCASL labeling efficiency (LE) we used a technique that labels blood in the feeding vessels and measures the perfusion signal a short distance further downstream in the blood pool. We measured LE in a flow phantom and in-vivo, then compared these results to Bloch simulations of PCASL efficiency. Phantom LE measurements agree with Bloch predictions of LE with respect velocity. Generally, in-vivo LE could be explained by arterial velocity, however, in several in-vivo measurements, LE variability was significantly lower than predicted by velocity alone. These data suggest measurement of LE may be necessary for accurate ASL quantification.

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velocitylabelingin vivocontrolbloodflowgradientmeasuredphantomrespectarterialefficiencycontrasthealthylabelprofilespintheoreticaltrainamplitudecardiaccarotidchildrenconsistedcontinuous