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Abstract #2174

Reduced visual cortex perfusion without volume loss in mild to moderate hypertension

Diandian Huang 1 , Xin Lou 1 , Lin Ma 1 , and Zhengyu Zhou 2

1 radiology, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2 MR Research Center, GE Health care, Beijing, China

Hypertensive group without retinopathy and control group were recruited from the primary care and had a MR scan with the three-dimensional pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (3D pCASL) and routine sequences. Compared to the control group, hypertensive patients implied the reduced CBF values on visual cortex without the statistical volume loss which may implicated there is a variety of the hemodynamics prior to the change of the morphology in the visual cortex in hypertension. Future studies in larger cohorts and longitudinal follow-up are needed to investigate the functional and prognostic significance of the early visual cortex perfusion deficits observed.

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