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Abstract #2061

Interactions between Physiological Noise Correction and GRAPPA Reconstruction in EPI Data

R. Allen Waggoner 1 , Zhentao Zuo 2 , Yan Zhuo 2 , Topi Tanskanen 1 , Kenichi Ueno 3 , Keiji Tanaka 1 , and Kang Cheng 1,3

1 Laboratory for Cognitive Brain Mapping, RIKEN - Brain Science Institute, Wako-shi, Saitama, Japan, 2 State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Science,Beijing MRI Center for Brain Research, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, Beijing, China, 3 RRC, RIKEN - Brain Science Institute, Wako-shi, Saitama, Japan

Physiological noise correction (PNC) is now commonly used to minimize the variance in fMRI data. The correction is most often performed in image space, however this methodology was originally developed as a k-space based correction. GRAPPA is widely used to accelerate data acquisition. The ACS lines are usually acquired separately, however this temporal mismatch could allow physiological noise to degrade the GRAPPA reconstruction. To explore the influence of physiological noise on GRAPPA reconstruction, we have applied PNC at various points in the processing pipeline of both normal GRAPPA reconstructed EPI data and data with temporally updated GRAPPA weights (tGRAPPA).

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