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Abstract #1953

Measuring GABA using 1H MR spectroscopy at 3T: A comparison of techniques

Felix Raschke 1 , Antonio Napolitano 2 , Ralph Noeske 3 , Dineen Rob 1 , and Dorothee P Auer 1

1 Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 2 Enterprise Risk Management, Unity of Imaging Research, Bambino Ges Childrens Hospital, Rome, Italy, 3 GE Healthcare, Berlin, Germany MR Application and Workflow Development, Berlin, Germany

We compare three MRS sequences to measure GABA at 3T using 13 healthy controls. The GABA signal of the popular MEGA-PRESS sequence with TE=68ms correlates with that of macromolecule suppressed MEGA-PRESS with TE=80ms and with a previously published optimised PRESS sequence using a TE and TE1 of 105ms and 15ms respectively. The PRESS105 may be a suitable sequence to measure GABA reliably with the benefit of reduced scan time, no macro-molecule contribution and less susceptibility to subject motion compared to MEGA-PRESS.

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