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Abstract #1938

NanoIron Phantom to Validate In-Vivo Iron Mapping

Stephen E. Russek 1 , Kathryn E. Keenan 1 , Karl Stupic 1 , Michael A. Boss 1 , Zydrunas Gimbutas 1 , Andrew M. Dienstfrey 1 , and Robert J. Usselman 2

1 NIST, Boulder, CO, United States, 2 University of Montana, Bozeman, MT, United States

We investigated several materials for use in a nano-iron phantom including Fe chelates, hemoglobin, recombinant human ferritin, horse spleen ferritin (HSF), Feraheme, Molday ion, nanoComposix iron oxide, textured (chained) nanoparticles. The range of concentrations was selected to match brain iron concentrations in healthy and diseased tissue (100-200 ppm). A key advance was to develop recombinant human ferritin by obtaining H-chain DNA sequences, amplifying with PCR, splicing them into pET30a(+) plasmids, and transfecting E. Coli. Various mineralization techniques were applied to mimic pure phase, healthy, and pathologic forms of human ferritin. These materials were incorporated into phantoms and characterized using multiparameter mapping to assess ability to measure concentration and form in-vivo.

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