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Abstract #1831

Investigation of acoustic noise reduction method for MRI-LINAC hybrid system

Yaohui Wang 1 , Feng Liu 1 , Ewald Weber 1 , and Stuart Crozier 1

1 School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

A novel acoustic noise reduction method is proposed for the hybrid MRI-LINAC (Linear Accelerator) system. This method is based on the beam-deflection theory. If using some supports or bolts on the split gradient assembly, by adjusting the positions of the supports or bolts, the noise level in the central gap can be significantly attenuated. Theoretical investigation on a 3-dimensional (3D) full acoustic model has verified that this method is available. The overall noise level reduction in the central gap is 8.5 dB. Future work will be done on the position optimization of the supports of bolts.

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