Abstract #1826
Feasibility of a new actuator type for magnetic resonance elastography based on transient air pressure impulses
Jrgen Braun 1 , Sebastian Hirsch 2 , Tassilo Heinze 3 , and Ingolf Sack 2
Department of Medical Informatics, Charit -
Universittsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany,
of Radiology, Charit - Universittsmedizin Berlin,
Berlin, Germany,
SPL Spindel und
Przisionslager GmbH, Sachsen, Germany
A new actuator for MRE is introduced based on transient
air pressure waves produced by a fast switching valve
and an air-filled cylindrical bellow inside the magnet.
This concept provides an economic setup of
interference-free, powerful and easy-to-use drivers for
potential applications of MRE in obese patients, at low
gradient systems and for remote actuation. The
feasibility of the new driver is demonstrated by MRE of
the brain and remote excitation from the upper thoracic
spine. The combination of low drive frequencies and high
resolution elasticity reconstruction provided
viscoelastic parameter maps in agreement to previous
work on cerebral MRE.
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