Abstract #1823
Converting digital MRI receivers built for 1.5T into 7T receivers using Surface Acoustic Wave filters
Mark Gosselink 1 , Andrea Anzellotti 2 , Giel Mens 2 , Marco Boutelje 2 , Bart Voermans 2 , Hans Hoogduin 1 , Peter R. Luijten 1 , Cecilia Possanzini 2 , and Dennis W.J. Klomp 1
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands,
Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
MRI systems can be equipped with digital on coil
receivers, providing increased SNR when requiring high
dynamic range, and unlimited number of receiver
channels. Higher field systems like 7T may benefit from
both features as SNR increases (and thus dynamic range),
and higher acceleration factors can be obtained at
contained geometry factors (thus benefit from more
receiver channels). In this work we demonstrate that
using under-sampling combined with Surface Acoustic Wave
filters can convert 1.5T- into 7T- digital receivers
with low noise figure.
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