Abstract #1819
Optimization of parallel RF transmission enabled by concurrent recording of RF and gradient fields
Mustafa Cavusoglu 1 , Benjamin E. Dietrich 1 , David O. Brunner 1 , and Klaas P. Pruessmann 1
Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland
Advanced schemes of parallel excitation are based on the
exact knowledge of the magnetic field dynamics inside
the MR scanner and require highly accurate interplay
between several RF channels and gradient waveforms.
Further the transmit channels need to be highly
synchronized and timed among themselves as well as with
the gradient system. We present an optimization
framework for spatially selective and sparse-spokes
pulse design in parallel RF transmission at 7T based on
magnetic field monitoring to measure the temporal
evolution of gradient magnetic fields and the
multi-channel RF excitation pulses on equal time basis,
fully concurrently and at full power.
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