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Abstract #1791

Cryogenic Receive-only 7 Tesla Coil for MRI of Hyperpolarized 13C

Jarek Wosik 1,2 , Krzysztof Nesteruk 3 , I-Chih Tan 4 , Kuang Qin 1 , and James A. Bankson 5

1 Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, United States, 2 Texas Center for Superconductivity, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, United States, 3 Institute of Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 4 Center for Molecular Imaging, The University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, Texas, United States, 5 Department of Imaging Physics, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, United States

We report on a planar 75-MHz cryogenic (both copper and superconducting) coils for hyperpolarized 13C MRI at 7T. In principle, cryogenic and especially superconducting receive coils can provide very significant SNR gain for 13C detection at 7 T, due to lower than for protons Larmor frequency of 13C nuclei and resulting lower body loss compared to 1H. The double-sided coils were fabricated by patterning Cu and YBCO on laminate and 0.33 mm thick sapphire substrates, respectively. Practical limits of SNR gains of 60K 75 MHz 13C coils and their maximum sizes to-be-used, were analyzed and compared with those of 1H 300 MHz coils.

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