Abstract #1782
Evaluating the SNR performance of using dielectric pads with multiple channel RF coils at 7T
Bei Zhang 1 , Zahi A. Fayad 1 , Junqian Xu 1 , Bernd Stoeckel 2 , and Priti Balchandani 1
Translational and Molecular Imaging
Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
York, New York, United States,
Medical Solution, New York, New York, United States
Both simulations and experiments show that the tuning
and matching of RF coils changed when dielectric pads
were used. For a dense receive array, such as the Nova
Medical single channel transmit 32-channel receive 7T
head coil, these changes can affect the coupling between
the coil elements and therefore the effective
sum-of-squares (SOS) SNR. When calcium titanate
dielectric pads (r= 137.4)were placed in the 32-channel
head coil, increased coil coupling was apparent in the
noise coefficient matrix and the SOS SNR decreased by
30%.However, the optimal SNR slightly increased when
using the dielectric pads. Therefore, in order to
maximize the advantage of dielectric pads, they should
be integrated into coil design and fabrication.
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