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Abstract #1715

Limitations of Accelerated QSM by FOV Restriction to Deep Gray Matter

Ahmed M. Elkady 1 , Hongfu Sun 1 , and Alan H. Wilman 1

1 Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Field of View (FOV) restriction to deep Gray Matter (GM) only would significantly accelerate Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) acquisitions, facilitating its clinical use in diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis. However, nonlocal effects of dipole fields require careful examination of accelerated QSM through FOV restriction, which were studied through simulations and in vivo MRI acquisitions in each direction (x,y,z). FOV restriction parallel to the main field (z-axis) was found to significantly reduce QSM accuracy. Optimally, coronal FOV restriction (y-axis) should be used for accelerated QSM, requiring a FOV of 133mm or more to obtain accurate QSM results of deep GM.

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