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Abstract #1686

Compensating for Stimulated Echoes in Quantitative T2 Relaxometry

Dushyant Kumar 1,2 , Susanne Siemonsen 1,3 , Jens Fiehler 1 , and Jan Sedlacik 1

1 Neuroradiology, Universittsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 2 Multiple Sclerosis Imaging Section (SeMSI), Universittsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, Germany, 3 Multiple Sclerosis Imaging Section (SeMSI), Universittsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Problem: The voxelwise T2-decay deviate significantly from multi-exponential (ME) model due to the stimulated emission (SE) resulting from the imperfect slice profile of refocusing pulses and the B1-error and so, following ME model would lead to serious quantification inaccuracy. Methods: A novel post-processing method, combining extended phase graph model and multi-exponential model with nonnegative least-square, is being proposed to compensate for B1 error. The method requires using only QT2R data. Results & Conclusions: Both experimental and simulated results are presented to demonstrate the improvement. A significant improvement in myelin quantification is demonstrated when flip angle error is significant (≥8-10%).

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