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Abstract #1671

Simultaneous T 1 and T 2 mapping using a modified multi-echo spin-echo sequence (MOMSE)

Andreas Petrovic 1 and Rudolf Stollberger 2

1 Institute of Medical Engineering, Universtiy of Technology Graz, Graz, -, Austria, 2 Institute of Medical Engineering, University of Technology Graz, -, Austria

In multi-parametric MRI several MR parameters are estimated within one single scan, which reduces acquisition time. In this work we modified a multi-echo spin-echo sequence for simultaneous estimation of M 0 , T 1 , and T 2 using the Generating Functions formalism. Reducing the refocusing angle allows longitudinal magnetization recovery during the sequence, which is used to create a final T 1 weighted echo. Simulations, measurements and fitted T 2 values are in excellent agreement; however, accuracy of fitted T 1 values is limited, requiring a thorough sensitivity assessment. The robust spin echo nature and reduced SAR of this sequence render it applicable at high field scanners.

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