Abstract #1456
Ultra-fast steady-state free precession pulse sequence for pulmonary Fourier decomposition MRI
Grzegorz Bauman 1 , Orso Pusterla 1 , and Oliver Bieri 1
Division of Radiological Physics, Department
of Radiology, University of Basel Hospital, Basel,
Basel-Stadt, Switzerland
The purpose of this work is to fuse two recently
introduced concepts, namely Fourier decomposition (FD)
MRI and ultra-fast steady-state free precession (ufSSFP)
pulse sequence for improved lung imaging in the clinical
setting. We compared to the standard implementation of
the FD MRI technique with the newly adapted ufSSFP
sequence in healthy volunteers at 1.5T. The ufSSFP
performed beneficially over bSSFP in terms of signal
intensity and banding artifacts, which can be used to
either increase resolution or overall image quality for
ventilation- and perfusion-weighted FD images.
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