Abstract #1168
Radiogenomics of Prostate Cancer: Association Between Quantitative Multi-Parametric MRI Features and PTEN Expression
Aytekin Oto 1 , David VanderWeele 2 , Yulei Jiang 1 , Stephanie Maria McCann 1 , Xiaobing Fan 1 , Jianing Wang 1 , and Tatjana Antic 3
Radiology, The University of Chicago
Medicine, Chicago, IL, United States,
Medicine, The University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago,
IL, United States,
The University of Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL, United
Multi-parametric MRI (Mp-MRI) is playing an increasing
role in the detection, staging and localization of Pca.
Determination of the cancer aggressiveness by Mp-MRI has
been addressed in several studies and significant
correlations between quantitative MRI parameters (such
as apparent diffusion coefficient [ADC] and ktrans) and
Gleason score have been reported. However, to our
knowledge, no study thus far has investigated
associations between quantitative Mp-MRI parameters and
genomic markers in Pca.
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