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Abstract #1045

Gradient Echo Signal Decays in Healthy and Cancerous Prostate at 3T Require a Gaussian Augmentation of the Mono-Exponential (GAME) Model

Pelin Aksit Ciris 1,2 , Robert V. Mulkern 2,3 , Mukund Balasubramanian 2,3 , Ravi T. Seethamraju 4 , Janice Fairhurst 1 , Junichi Tokuda 1,2 , Jonathan Scalera 1,2 , Tobias Penzkofer 1,2 , Fiona Fennessy 2,5 , Ferenc A. Jolesz 1,2 , Clare M. Tempany-Afdhal 1,2 , Ehud Schmidt 1,2 , and Kemal Tuncali 1,2

1 Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 2 Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3 Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 4 Siemens Healthcare, Boston, MA, United States, 5 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, MA, United States

Hypoxia is prevalent in prostate cancer, and may indicate cancer aggressiveness. Oxygenation, among many other factors, can influence gradient-echo signal decay in the prostate, appropriate characterization of which is essential for any potential quantitative use. A standard Mono-Exponential (ME) decay model has shown promise at 1.5T, however, we report that proper signal characterization requires a Gaussian Augmentation of the Mono-Exponential (GAME) decay model at 3T. GAME characterized signal decays better than or equivalent to ME everywhere in the prostate. This increases the potential for determining correlates of the fit parameters with biomarkers, such as of oxygenation status.

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