Abstract #1037
Functional 1H lung MRI in healthy and emphysematous rats using a self-gated golden angle UTE
smund Kjrstad 1 , Marta Tibiletti 2 , Andrea Bianchi 3 , Michael Neumaier 3 , Andrea Vgtle 3 , Thomas Kaulisch 3 , Frank G. Zllner 1 , Lothar R. Schad 1 , Volker Rasche 2 , and Detlef Stiller 3
Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Medical
Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim,
Facility Small Animal MRI, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany,
Discovery Research, In-vivo imaging laboratory,
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Biberach an
der Riss, Germany
Using the 1H MRI signal difference in the lung
parenchyma at inspiration and expiration during normal
breathing is a promising method for assessing lung
function. However, due to the difficulties of
self-gating in rodents no animal studies have so far
been performed using this method. For the first time we
demonstrate here the feasibility of the method in small
animals by evaluating the lung function in rats with
emphysema using a self-gating golden angle 2D UTE
sequence and a thorax-optimized phased-array coil.
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